Saturday, 6 June 2015

Night before

The music danced lopsided
Along Main street
Watching the night
As it drunkenly
Chased away the dawn.

The crisp regulars
Sang songs in
Fluent tequila,

Before the end arrived
Dressed in bright
Morning greens and
Smiling flashes of summer -

- The night crawled away
To the rumble of thunder,
And a violin played
Second fiddle to the
Coming of the day.

Now, repeat after me

The shadows hung about
Beneath a bridge
And watched tail lights
Swim soundlessly out of town,

In their world of
Non conformity
They watched helplessly
As the world for the masses
Grew smaller and smaller.

Critical thinking
Climbed into the back seat of
A town car and was deported,
Dragging equality on a tow rope behind.

Intolerance returned
Like a freedom fighter,
Roses grew loftily
On heavy green stems
Of indifference
Amongst the herd of people
Who needed them to
Block their view,

And me?
Well I just sat at
A café drinking wine,
And sufficiently oiled
I would shout loud expletives
At the shadows beneath the bridge,
Because I was free to speak my mind.
Or, so someone told me anyway.

Friday, 5 June 2015


Towards the end
Beyond the trees
She danced anew
Amongst a breeze.


The shadows dancing
 On the ceiling
Are twisting my
Words into art.

Between the Lines

I loved you
Before you knew
Who I was.
Indifference isn’t kind.

Stella Polaris

He waits for you at
The door to spring,
Shaking the embers
Of the golden beyond,

He brings you tea
For your morning musings
And you wake to
Find his smile
Hanging there in dreams,

Beyond the cloudy road,
Just over the hill
Of muddled contemplation,
He waits for you
In love,
Although, just
Out of reach,
For now.

Flippin Eck

He dreams of South America
At sunset,
Amongst the orchids
And gardenias that drift
To the sound of memories -

- We file languidly
To watch him in
Old familiar,
The stitches in his new
Coat smile lazily
At the memory.

He takes his first step,
His smile lopsided as always
And his heart beating
Strong on his sleeve.

A cacophony of colours
Adorn the loss,
but he leaves us:
in laughter
and in love.