Monday 9 July 2012

Under the carob tree

I waited for you
Under a carob tree
And Listened to lethargic
Bees Hum softly
Out of tune.

Pensive and moody
At your absence
I wiled away the day
Dreaming of poetry, and
Fondly thrilled
About our love
In the summer’s hue.

Seeing you shimmer
Into view beyond the sun
That had climbed
Into its last deepening hour,

I packed away my thoughts
And watched you
Walk into my heart,
While the lamenting bees
Hummed a rumba

Under the carob tree.

You make us shells

I killed a man today;

Watched him
Fall in distorted

Horror broken
And bloodied blind,
Hearing the terrible corpses
Heave and grind.

I too lay beneath this
Broken wilted bracken
All rumpled and slacken.

Saturday 7 July 2012

A lovely war

Beneath a half lit moon
We spoke of love and
Songful swoons
We danced in green, and blue
And grey,
The rain, the sun
And all of May.

Before the war our
Hearts all soared
We dreamed and dreamt
And scoffed discord;
But war has changed
Both me and you
Our time is up, our lives now through;

So from freshly liberated hell
I say goodnight
god bless,  farewell.

Friday 6 July 2012


The soldiers marched
With anger in their brains -

- They had lost more than life -

- outnumbered by death
Their loss will haunt us long.


The sky, low, oppressive
And moody grey
Sulked down encroachingly  

Before bombarding me
With slanted rain

That attacked
Like an angry army,

Washing my colour away
It chased me from the nooks
And crannies

From silvered trees and
Dampened soil,

It raced through streets
Bubbling hurriedly
Over drains

And bleeding
sunk without trace -

- Before the sky
In a lighter mood

Retreated to a steady pace

A whispered applause

A drizzle

A drip.

My sun
My saviour
When will I see you again?

Sunday 1 July 2012


I am here
Alone at night
With nothing but the clock
Tick, tick, ticking
Louder and LOUDER
And LOUDER still,

I am here
Alone at night
Watching images in the
Scarred wall paint,

I am here
Alone at night
With nothing but the clock
And furtive shadows
Chasing me
LOUDER still

I am here
Longing for morning
How long have I left?
Only time will tell

Italy 4 England 2

Silent bars recede from
streets flanked by distant
fading echoes
of 80's football chants -

- flags all red, white and blue
hang limp and somnolent,

while stale beer
permeates memories
of 66


wash silently away
into the night.