Thursday, 5 April 2012

The glorious dead

They lay silently at attention
beneath a hazy sky

wind brushing them,
dust spoiling around

and endless poppies

Overhead carrion hunters
circled shark like

and memories
of their young lives
swam around in tears.

Too late for hindsight
and too early
for remorse

so here silently they lay

the glorious dead.

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Royal Marine

Another one died today

amongst a din
of nervous noisy gunfire -

- blood bubbling on his chest
congregated like
a ship succumbing to an ocean

- He sank silently

and for the service
of his country
that was busy lamenting
over tax hikes.

Sunday, 1 April 2012


The shadows i discovered
on a garden wall

resembled soldiers
from the great war;

escaped from the poppy fields
of northern France.

They were dressed to attention
with their rifles slung
and stood proudly in
the wall with military precision.

"Thank you for my freedom", i told
the silent shadows,

before leaving the soldiers
to a world of forgotten promises.